sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

3- Emagazine: Health

Health and sports

These two words are very important and it comes together, because one depends from the other. That is why this topic is vital, for this reason I am going to write about this. All the things these themes included represent an important part of what health is. The concept of health is said by the World Health Organization:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

According to this wide concept of health, it is necessary to understand the facts related to it. For example, the most common diseases, some advices to improve our health. Then, there is the important role of sports to contribute and help to have a better and plenty life.

The most common diseases that most people use to have now days, due to the bad eating habits are the hypertension, stress, fatigue, obesity. Why this? Because people use to eat the first thing they can and more now, that there are junk food everywhere.

Let talk about hypertension, the American Heart Association can describe this disease in the next quote:

“High blood pressure, also known as HBP or hypertension, is a widely misunderstood medical condition. Some people think that those with hypertension are tense, nervous or hyperactive, but hypertension has nothing to do with personality traits. The truth is, you can be a calm, relaxed person and still have HBP” (Arnett, 2014)

This illness affects the blood pressure in people, because arteries can be filled with fat, this is the reason why the heart start working fast and fast, because fat makes obstruction into the arteries and it can be very dangerous. Hypertension cannot be cure, but it can be treated with medicines and with a good treatment. The principal cause is the obesity or it can be hereditary. For this reason I am going to write some recommendations.

- First, you must have good eating habits.

-Second, try to have a balance diet of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids basically.
-Then, follow your medical treatment.

-Also, make regular exercises, you can walk, run, or even better if you play some sport.

-Finally, do not smoke or drink to have a better life style with the disease.

Have a good health allow us to enjoy all the things we do daily, without apprehension, do whatever we want, in the good way, sure. Health is not only being physically okay, it also involves our mind, because it also must be good and stable.

However, a good way to promote health is by making exercises and sports. In our country the most common sport is the soccer, boys and girls like it. So for this reason is the principal sport practiced by the fans and people in general. Other popular sports people tend to play are: walks, people tend to run, also people like to practice beach volleyball and beach soccer. So this is an excellent way to allow kids, teenagers, adults explore the physical activity.

As a result of the facts that we have today, people even more become more sedentary. The principal facts are technology and restaurants of fast food. Today children prefer stay at home playing Xbox, play station and using their computer, instead of riding a bike, or playing football.

So, parents should avoid the uses of these technological devices and put attention to their kids, passing time outside together promoting the sports, because at the end it will be benefit.


Arnett, D. (09 de 2014). What is High Blood Pressure? Obtenido de American Heart Association: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HighBloodPressure/AboutHighBloodPressure/What-is-High-Blood-Pressure_UCM_301759_Article.jsp
World Heath Organization. (s.f.). Definition of Health. Obtenido de http://www.who.int/about/definition/en/print.html

UNIT 10: Expressing Feelings

Hello there.
I am here again, today I will study about Expressing Feelings. Besides I´m going to talk about modals. I’ll try to put examples and new vocabulary of what I learned in class, and some of my practices to show the uses of these topics.

During this presentation I’m going to talk about: 

- Modals
- New vocabulary
- Uses of would

  • In class

In this unit, the first thing we did was an interpretation in front of the class, about a boss and an employee. The idea of the activity was interpret and use the new vocabulary like delighted, upset, uninterested, terrified, flabbergasted and livid, these are just some examples. My partner and I had to recreate the situation and try to act in front of our classmates.


The next modals are used in different situation, for example:
Will, it is used when we want to predict something or to say how much you want to do something.

Might, this word is used to talk about a possibility or suggestions.

Must, Can’t, these are used for talk about an obligation and deduction.

Can, normally used to ask for permission or possibility or impossibility.

Supposed to, it is used when you are supposed to do something or follow some rule.

Bound to, when you are sure of some prediction, you must use this word “bound to”.

Likely to, this word is also used for probability.

Ought to, need to, should, used for obligation or necessity.

All these words are important, each one has significance. For this reason you must to use each word in different situations or statements.

Some practice we did in class is represent in the next picture.

Other activity we did in class was a self-evaluation for see how optimistic we were, for this activity we used and learned new vocabulary. The next image show the  vocabulary.

Uses of would.

Would has many uses the principal is that it is used to refers to past, also for polite request, or an imagined situation. These are just a few examples. But is important to know this, because now when you see this word in different context, you will know what this is about, or why this word is used in that framework.

  • Out class
  • Grammar

In these topics, for improve the knowledge like I had been doing, I looked on internet practice and grammar about the uses of these subjects. I mean, for see seconds opinions and tips to learn and identify each one.

The next picture will show you some examples and uses of modal verbs.

In the next link you will find an explanation about the uses of modals verbs.

The next image will show you a practice and the solutions.


But also in the next link there is the completely practice.

I did some practice about modals. I will show you:

  • Reflection

These topics like I have been saying are important and so useful in our daily situation, that’s why we need to understand what all these things mean. To has a clear idea of when used them. This will show a high level of English. Also because it is important to all English speakers know.  

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

UNIT 9: People with Vision

This unit talks about people with vision, this will involve the Common discourse markers in speech. I will write about when we need to use it, because there special statements where we can use them.  

Contents in this unit:
-Common discourse markers in speech

  • In class

In this unit we were talking about art, movies, architecture, due to a four photos we saw in class, we talked about how spectacular or fantastic this picture were or the special effects in some movies that are astonishing!!

 Discourse markers
It is words and phrases that help us associate ideas. The idea of this works is make our oral production more natural. The most common examples are:

“Actually, apparently, as I was saying, basically, by the way, Let’s see, I mean, on the other hand, speaking of.”

These words can be used in different context for example:

Actually:  is for make a point or say something that is a fact. Example:
Actually, the company is the principal sponsor of this event.

Apparently: it can be used when something can be real or you are sure. Example:
The event is still on, apparently, they have up the documents.

As I was saying: is normally used to continuous with the main idea. Example:
… Yes, that is important, we can take that into consideration for the next meeting, but is I was saying before, we need to call off the business with At&T company because…

Basically: people use it to make a summary of something. Example:
Basically the project consists in…

These were some examples in context.

  • Out Class
  • Grammar

To improve this part, found on you tube a video.

This video will explain this topic!!

  • Reflection

This part is important to me, well, basically everything is important, because is a language and it has importance, the grammar, vocabulary, all these is significant. So this part of discourse markers too, it will let us to express ourselves in a better way, order and natural form. Even more today, that in our jobs we constantly have to express and talk with different people.

UNIT 8: Problems and issues

Hello there.
I am here again, just that today I will study about Problems and issues. I’ll try to put examples of what I did in class, and some of my homework, to show the use of these topics.
During this presentation I’m going to talk about:

Continues forms like present, past and future.

  • In class

In this unit in groups we did a presentation about some problems that there exist today. Our speech was about Identity Theft. We said solutions and advices to avoid the risk the identity theft.

The next photo will show a practice, it help us to improve our listening and speaking.

Then, we did an activity about:

Burn out syndrome
Definition: It is a psychological term that refers to exhaustion and diminishes interest. It is result from chronic occupational stress.

     * Related to wok:
       Feel like if you don’t have control in your work.
       Lack of recognition or rewards.

     * Lifestyle causes:
       Working to much without time to relax
       Taking to much responsibilities without help
       No get the enough sleep

    * Personality causes:
       Have a pessimist view or yourself

***   Suggest:
       Adopt a healthy diet
       Make exercises
       Take a break from technology
       Learn how to manage stress
       Make personal time for yourself  

Continuous forms:

She is paying the house with her second job. (Present continuous)
She was trying to call Marcos. (Past continuous)
I have been working in my project for two months. (Present perfect continuous)
I had been working for two weeks. (Past perfect continuous)
I will be traveling when I finished my major. (Future continues)

  • Out class
  • Grammar

In this part I will add some homework we did.

For the continuous forms, here is a link to look more information about it.

Video about continuous forms:

This are some  lirycs with this type of tenses.

  • Reflection

It is important people know the correct way to apply the grammar, in this case the continuous form. Because it is an elementary grammar to unfold on  life.  

UNIT 7: The Natural World

This entire unit talks about the natural world. It will involve the relative clauses, new vocabulary about it, I will write about when we need to use relative clauses. Also I’ll write about the correct context to vocabulary on this unit.

Contents in this unit:
-Relative clauses
- New vocabulary

  • In class
For People
Who or that
Animals or things
Which or that
Subject or object pronoun

  • Out Class 
  • Grammar 
  • Reflection 

Relative clauses

This part of relative clauses is important because with them we can refer to something for example:

-Mari who father is dentist, is my friend.
-Cali’s dog which is a Doberman Pincher is enormous.
-The Audi, whose is property of Eli, was theft  
-The new high-heel shoes that are extremely high and difficult to manage are so lovely.
-The hotel where I went the last summer, is hiring people for administration stuffs.
-2 years ago when I went to Russia was so cold. This time that I went, was a mild weather.
-These are some examples, In our daily use that we can use them.

This photo is about an activity we did to practice the listening part.

Vocabulary: Descriptive language:

Active volcano
Ghost town
Below sea level
Permanent settlement
Spectacular landscape
Tourist destination

This vocabulary can be used in the next context, for example.

Vocabulary:  buying and selling

To improve the topics of this unit, I did some extra search on internet, and it was good cause I could read how and when use it, also I read many examples.

The next link is the web page where I found the information.

I will add a video!! That explain how use the relative clauses.

To practice this subject I found a practice:

The link for go there and do the exercises is:

As you can see, this topic is useful, and use in every moment you need. It will be used in oral and written productions. For refer to someone or something. This is a basic topic, people should manage.