viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

UNIT 9: People with Vision

This unit talks about people with vision, this will involve the Common discourse markers in speech. I will write about when we need to use it, because there special statements where we can use them.  

Contents in this unit:
-Common discourse markers in speech

  • In class

In this unit we were talking about art, movies, architecture, due to a four photos we saw in class, we talked about how spectacular or fantastic this picture were or the special effects in some movies that are astonishing!!

 Discourse markers
It is words and phrases that help us associate ideas. The idea of this works is make our oral production more natural. The most common examples are:

“Actually, apparently, as I was saying, basically, by the way, Let’s see, I mean, on the other hand, speaking of.”

These words can be used in different context for example:

Actually:  is for make a point or say something that is a fact. Example:
Actually, the company is the principal sponsor of this event.

Apparently: it can be used when something can be real or you are sure. Example:
The event is still on, apparently, they have up the documents.

As I was saying: is normally used to continuous with the main idea. Example:
… Yes, that is important, we can take that into consideration for the next meeting, but is I was saying before, we need to call off the business with At&T company because…

Basically: people use it to make a summary of something. Example:
Basically the project consists in…

These were some examples in context.

  • Out Class
  • Grammar

To improve this part, found on you tube a video.

This video will explain this topic!!

  • Reflection

This part is important to me, well, basically everything is important, because is a language and it has importance, the grammar, vocabulary, all these is significant. So this part of discourse markers too, it will let us to express ourselves in a better way, order and natural form. Even more today, that in our jobs we constantly have to express and talk with different people.

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