viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

UNIT 3: Stories

Hello there.
Today I am going to study about Stories. In addition I´m going to talk about important grammar that is so useful in our daily use, like the past forms, also I’ll write about vocabulary and some compounds adjectives that are very convenient. I’ll try to put examples of what I did in class, and some of my homework, to show the use of these topics. I hope to show all the possible things, to have a clear idea of this and show you again, how these subjects can be use on our daily activities.
During this production, I’m going to talk about:
- Past forms
- New vocabulary
- Compound adjectives
- Synonyms

  •  In class

To start this unit, is important to know that there are many types of stories, for example:
A fake story: It is when something is not true.
A myth: it comes from a historical period in a determinate place.
The fairy tale:  it is fantasy and very creative
A joke: it is synonymous of a funny story, a humorous anecdote, it intend to provoke laughter.
These were a few examples of the types of stories.

Usually, these stories are based in things that happened in the past. For this reason, I am going to show some of grammar we saw in class. 

Other functional aspect is the synonymous, its help us and give us the opportunity of saying something but using a different word some examples that I learn in class are:

Compound adjectives: this is a nice topic, because it allows us to put together two adjectives, for example: 

  • Out class and
  • Grammar

To increase my level on these topics, I did some search.

This is a link to practice the past tenses:

This is a link to practice the compound adjectives:

For practice with the tenses, I did a story: (It was a homework)

  • Reflexive

These topics are important, for example, the last day I was looking for some information but I was in English, and the principal tense was the past because it was about something historical that happened before. And is important to know all these tenses, and also all the irregular verbs, compound adjectives to know that they are talking about.

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